New Board elected for the IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter
1 March, 2023
A new board has been designated for the IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Chapter after the elections celebrated in February 2023.
The results are in for the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and three board members:
- Chair: Javier Prieto Tejedor, University of Salamanca
- Vicechair: Ramón J. Sánchez Iborra, University of Murcia
- Secretary: Antonio Robles Gómez, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Tresurer: Fernando De la Prieta Pintado, University of Salamanca
- Board member: Lianet Méndez-Monsanto Suárez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Board member: Manuel Ballesteros Carballo, Gransolar
- Board member: Víctor P. Gil Jiménez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The elected board would like to thank all the Chapter members for their participation in the 2023 Election.
Besides, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the past Chapter chair, Víctor Gil, for his unvaluable work for more than 8 years. Thank you Víctor!