II IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter Awards for the Best Master’s Thesis (TFM) and Best Doctoral Thesis (PhD)
The jury of the 2024 Edition of the IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter Awards has decided to grant the following awards:
Best Master’s Thesis Award (TFM)
- Javier Gombao Fernández-Calvillo, «Amenazas y seguridad en redes SDN». Tutor: Miguel Romero Hortelano
Best Doctoral Thesis Award (PhD)
- Kerlos Atia Abdalmalak Dawoud, «Analysis and Design of Antennas and Radiometers for Radio Astronomy Applications in Microwave, Mm-wave, and THz Bands». Director: Luis Enrique García Muñoz
The jury has taken into account the originality and quality of work, the practical application and potential for technology transfer, as well as the results and publications related to the works presented.
The winners will receive an honorarium of €1,000 for the PhD and €500 for the TFM, respectively, as well as a free registration for the IEEE MeditCom 2024 conference (https://meditcom2024.ieee-meditcom.org), where they will receive a certificate for the achieved award. The IEEE MeditCom 2024 conference will take place in Madrid from July 8 to 11, 2024.
- Call. The IEEE Spain Signal Processing and Communications Joint Chapter (SPCOM) announces a call for two awards:
- Award for the Best Master’s Thesis (TFM).
- Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis (PhD).
for works aligned with the disciplines of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Communications Society (SPCOM).
- Award. The awardees will receive an honorarium of €1,000 for the PhD and €500 for the TFM, respectively. Additionally, they will receive free registration for the IEEE MeditCom 2024 conference (https://meditcom2024.ieee-meditcom.org), where they will receive a certificate for the achieved award. The IEEE MeditCom 2024 conference will take place in Madrid from July 8 to 11, 2024.
- Eligible Candidates. Submissions for these awards are open to any TFM or PhD defended in 2022 and 2023, conducted by a member of the SPCOM chapter. Eligible candidates include IEEE members in Spain who are also members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society or the IEEE Communications Society at the closing date of the call. Affiliated members of one of these two societies at the closing date (even if not IEEE members) are also eligible. More information on becoming a member can be found at: https://spain.chapters.comsoc.org/join/
- Required Documentation. Submissions can be in Spanish, any co-official languages in Spain, or English. Candidates should email the Vice-President of the IEEE SPCOM Chapter (ramonsanchez@ieee.org) with the following information in the email:
- Candidate’s information:
- Full name.
- Email.
- Contact phone number.
- IEEE member number (or affiliate number).
- Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (CVA or similar).
- Candidate’s information:
- Information about the submitted work:
- Award category: TFM or PhD.
- PDF copy of the TFM or PhD thesis submitted for the award.
- Certificate indicating the defense date.
- Grade obtained.
- Brief presentation (maximum 1 page) of the reasons and merits for which the work is submitted for the award, emphasizing originality, practical application, potential technology transfer, results, and adaptation to the chapter’s lines. It is recommended to specify if the work submitted for the award has resulted in any conference and/or journal publications and provide the DOI(s).
- Information about the submitted work:
- Jury. The jury will consist of members of the Board of the IEEE SPCOM Chapter and expert advisors (chapter members) as deemed appropriate.
- Evaluation Criteria. The evaluation criteria for award allocation will consider the following aspects:
- Originality and quality of the work.
- Practical application and potential for technology transfer.
- Results obtained and publications, especially in journals and conferences of the IEEE Signal Processing Society or the IEEE Communications Society. This criterion is of predominant importance for doctoral theses.
- Important Dates.
- Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024.
- Jury decision: May 15, 2024.
- Additional Considerations. Awardees authorize the IEEE SPCOM Chapter to publish their names, the title of the awarded work, and the abstract in the media deemed appropriate by the Chapter. Documentation from other candidates will be destroyed within one month after the jury’s decision. If deemed appropriate, the jury may declare shared or vacant awards. Any matter not covered in these rules will be resolved by the jury. Participation in this award implies acceptance of all the terms of the call.